Vienna Acoustics Bach Grand

I'm currently demo'ing a pair of these speakers in my home. It's seeming as if there's a bit of muddiness in the mid-bass. From anybody whose heard these speakers, is this something that could be a function of how much power I'm giving it? I'm using an HK AVR125, rated at 45 w/ch. Highs and midrange seem just fine, in fact it sounds great. Its just when I play something a bit denser, such as Dave Matthews Band or even some of Sting's more recent albums, that I'm finding this type of performance. I don't listen to anything much harder, but if I ever do, I would imagine it would only exacerbate the issue.

I was expecting something a bit more, but wondering if it's the fault of my equipment rather than the speaker. My old speakers were three-way, so I'm wondering if I might need a speaker with a dedicated midrange plus woofer to get me the sound I'm wanting?
Bondmanp -

Quite frankly, VA lines can be warmer but not always. I, for instance, use YBA Integre DT with my VA Bees Baby Grand. As you know, YBA Integre DT has got a very detailed, airly, clean, smooth, musical presentation. Besides, The YBA has two differrent output options, and one of which is super detailed and very forward sound(relatively speaking) while the other has a more bass-emphasised 'warmer' presentation.

If I use the former output option on my YBA into the 'properly' placed VA Bees, it doesn't sound 'warm' at all. In fact, the reason why I am using the latter option is the former sounds, relatively speaking, too forward for piano music. The latter option presents the piano sound as piano sound (I have a Steinway in-between the Bees and their sonic quality, nuance and timbre are VERY similar, at certain volume, it's difficult to tell whether the sound is coming from Bees or Steinway).

At any rate, VAs are, like Sonus Faber, warm speakers in general but can be less-warm-forward. I liked, by the way, Sonus Fabers but ones I like are much more expensive than my VA Baby Bees. In fact, I have auditioned Sonus Faber's less expensive models such as Grand Piano Home, but VA outperformed them. Though, once you get to Cremona, I think Sonus is better (I listened to Cremona and Amati with YBA passion Monoblock, YBA cd/pre and they simply blew me away!). Anyway, what amp/source are you using, Bondmanp?

As for Vandersteen - I cannot say a word about it as I have never heard of them:)
Thanks, Ipous. Chain is as follows: Thorens TD-166 MkII/Ortofon Super OM10, Rotel RCD-02 CDP - C-J PV11 pre - Odyssey Audio HT3 - Vandy 1Cs, each with a 2Wq subwoofer.

I am in a quandry as whether to upgrade the CD player or speakers first. I don't spin enough vinyl to upgrade the TT. And, I love the 2Wqs and want to keep them with whatever speaker I end up with. Along with the Mozart Grands, I am curious about the Gallo Ref 3.1, Spendor 8SE, and Silverline Audio Allegro (all very close in price). The form factor on all of these works for me. If I had the $$$, I'd also look at the Vandy Quatros, which would fit in my room and save me from buying another center channel speaker. The VAs are at the local Magnolia/Best Buy, and I have Spendor and Gallo dealers nearby. Silverline is crap shoot unless I fly out to CA to hear them, but I love the Bolero (too expensive), and liked the Prelude (but not enough to replace the Vandys with them). If you know of any other ~$3K alternatives, I am all ears.
I am pritty picky regarding the sound ... and I bought those speakers, Vienna Acoustics Bach. They sound excellent. I am afraid the amp is too weak for those speakers. I have tested those speakers on a HK AVR435 (80w/channel in Stereo Mode) and it sounds good. The bass is not the bass you hear on Mozart but I love those speakers. I am planning to buy sometimes later the Mozart and use the Bach in the back.
I would sugest at least 100w/channel for those speakers would make it sound totally different. Impecable quality for Vienna Speakers ... my dream was B&W - what I can say is for now I don't want to change those to B&W.'s your amp. As we say garbage in, garbage out. They need to be run by at 100 watts of high end power....I run a set using the Xindak 6950 integrated at 130 watts of high end bliss and the speakers really midrange muddiness! this is an old thread but if anyone reads this please take note. I would run the HK with cerwin get the point.
Little late in this thread. But I agree with the amps. I picked up the Bach Grands on an impulse when they were on clearance at the local BB. To get them rolling, I quickly purchased a HK3490 which are going for a steal. It sounded good and for a novice, i should say great. However, since then hunger for power, has taken me from the 3490 to a marantz pm8004 and now a Cambridge Audio 840A. Spectacular improvement in sound quality. Now, i am mulling a primare- about the same price as a 840a but apparently the VA personnel themselves pair the speakers with primare amps.