I have also seen your blanket statement that all vintage DD’s need to have all electrolytic capacitors replaced.
I have asked my tech (same as Halcro’s) a couple of times and he has stated - NO. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it unless its a known problem.
Replacing caps for no reason on 30+ year old boards/wiring can cause other issues as well as cost the customer $$ for no sound quality benefit. If a cap leaks, its easy to replace/fix is his advise.
My Exclusive P10 had speed issues and my tech replaced most of the caps, however it ended if a IC circuit was the issue - nothing to do with caps.
My Exclusive P3 stopped - it ended up just being fuse - he did not want to replace any caps as the table works perfectly.
My Technics SP10 mk3 famous speed chip failed - my tech fixed it per JP’s advise to bypass the IC circuit till he makes his new IC chips. I did not even ask him to replace the caps this time.
I agree with Raul on this one - no need for replace all electrolytic capacitors imo :-)
I have also seen your blanket statement that all vintage DD’s need to have all electrolytic capacitors replaced.
I have asked my tech (same as Halcro’s) a couple of times and he has stated - NO. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it unless its a known problem.
Replacing caps for no reason on 30+ year old boards/wiring can cause other issues as well as cost the customer $$ for no sound quality benefit. If a cap leaks, its easy to replace/fix is his advise.
My Exclusive P10 had speed issues and my tech replaced most of the caps, however it ended if a IC circuit was the issue - nothing to do with caps.
My Exclusive P3 stopped - it ended up just being fuse - he did not want to replace any caps as the table works perfectly.
My Technics SP10 mk3 famous speed chip failed - my tech fixed it per JP’s advise to bypass the IC circuit till he makes his new IC chips. I did not even ask him to replace the caps this time.
I agree with Raul on this one - no need for replace all electrolytic capacitors imo :-)