Vinyl listner

Hi everyone,
I'm new to the forum and was hoping to get a little assistance in deciding how to best listen to my newly acquired turntable.

I recently bought a Technics 1200mk turntable but I need to get further componets to start the listening process.

I was looking at getting the Audioengine A5+ speakers as they seam to be a good price and offer many advantages as far as sound and wireless capabilities. With those I would only need a preamp as well to be able to listen to music.

I guess my question is should I get just a preamp or should I get a receiver where I can bulid further from this?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I am new to the world of audiophile but a music lover that wants to appreciate it further.

You will need a pre-amplifier of some sort--the turntable will not put out enough voltage to drive your speakers directly.

Option 1: a dedicated phono pre-amp with a built in volume control which steps up the voltage to what is considered "line level." This could then drive a powered speaker pair but you really won't have any system flexibility.

Option 2: a full-function pre-amp, but be sure it has a built-in phono stage (again, to step up the very low voltage cartridge to line level voltage). If you get a pre-amp that does not have a built-in phono stage, then you'll need an outboard pre-amp as noted above however it need not have a volume control.

FYI, a full-function pre-amp that does not include a phono stage is often referred to as a line stage.

Hope this helps!
Option 3: a receiver equipped with the phono stage as noted in option 2.

Of all, option 2 will give you the greatest long term flexibility. If you are like many of us here you will start a journey that will have many future twists and turns!
The audioengine A5+ has a remote volume control so you really only need a basic phono stage. It does not need a volume control. Unless you want to be able to listen to other sources, that is all you need.
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