Gunbei. Ask Rick about the upgrad when You're ready. Remember besides the audition on my amp I have a croyed power2 Extension on the little panamax surge protector? This feeds the preamp, cd and tt. Well, yesterday I started a tweaking bing replacing "stuff under the compnonents,[Im a confirmed tweakaholic-there is no cure], one by one. The extension cord allowed the "sound resulting" from each tweak to be clearly heard. I listened for fullness of timbre, guitar riffs, quality of bass, and sibilence. Now the cd player is floating on marbles in the spoons held by clay in little bottlecaps that sit on hardrock maple...and I can't believe the improvment across the board...then I put on some vinyl,I was in heaven. The music seemed to leap off the platter and fill the room. Bass was sooo clearrr. You know what I mean. The ambience of live recorded music was startling as if notes and sounds were simply there in space....I'm babbeling but you get the point. If Rick offers a juice bar with his cord it will be a no brainer. Gunbie, I'm sure those blue circles would say "thank-you"..tweaking can make or break some systems, IMO.