Voltage conversion of Accuphase E-650

Does anyone know how to convert voltage of Accuphase E-650 100v to 110/120v? Or does anyone provide information on voltage conversion table of Accuphase E-650?

@imhififan I'm sorry for my typo, please ignore my previous questions. What I meant is: after desoldering K3 to K5, K4 to K6, do I need to fill the empty holes in K3 and K4 with lead or they are ok to be empty?

Yes, Fill the empty holes in K3 and K4, it will increase the mechanical strength of the PCB especially holes with through hole plating. 

Hope this helps

HIi @imhififan,

you are a specialist as I understood:-)

I want to switch my Dp900 & DC901 from 100v to 230v. Any idea if thats already discussed here in an other post? Or do you have an explanation already?

In the older models it was much easier to do as it was described more or less in the device itself...

Thanks in advance.


Thanks! I'm just a HiFi hobbyist, Not a specialist at all🙂!

Sorry I don't have any experience for voltage conversion of Dp900 or DC901. However, some Accuphase CD player utilize low power transformer with jumper setting, J1 for 100V, J2 for 120V and J3 for 220-240V, IIRC.

If you can post a picture of the power board, perhaps we can figure out how to convert the voltage.