Volume seems too low

I have an integrated amp and have to turn the volume up over 2/3 to get it even close to loud. I have the high/low gain switch set to high. Is this normal or, more likely, what have I hooked up wrong?
Specs...Speaker sensitivity is only 84dB. Required Amplifier Power is 30-100W. Your amp is only putting out 50w in Pentode mode. How big is your room and how loud do you play?
Fairly big room 18x40. Usually not real loud, but I do crank it from time to time. I just found it curious I have to dial it up so much to get semi-loud.
84 dB speaker sensitivity means they need higher power from your amp, thus you need the Volume Control up high to drive them. Look for a speaker with a sensitivity of about 90 dB and your amp will have an easier time driving them.
So as Elizabeth said, 2/3 up isn't surprising.
But IMO, you're pushing your amp pretty hard to fill that room.
Thanks for your help. Looking at speakers now. I will have to pay more attention to sensitivity. Thoughts on speakers? Devore?