Von Schweikert VR2 vs. VR4 Gen III

Has anyone used both the Von Schweikert VR2 and VR4 Gen III's? I was thinking about buying the 4's, but the rep over at Von Schweikert suggested the 2s instead. Tried to get him to give me a clear aswer why, but I realized he never really did. How would you compare the two? Can you see a reason someone might want to go with the 2s instead?

Joy Elyse
The detail I forgot to mention is that my call was originally to find a dealer in my area. There is no one in New England that sells Von Schweikert. (I live in Boston.) Hence, my having to make a decision sight unseen. (Or unheard, which is the actual problem.)

We ended up on the phone for 1 1/2 hours. His total recommendation included vr2 speakers, LCR15 center channel, 2 VRS/1 subs, and vr1s on stands for rears. Do you think the subs would make up for the VR2s not going as low? Supposedly the VRS/1 is a very musical sub.

We have a 15 x 20 ish room, with 9 ft ceilings. Lot of hardwood (ceiling and floors). Electronics are Outlaw Audio 950, ICMB, and 200 Series Monoblocks (7 pf 'em); Denon 5900 w/ Bel Canto DAC2 for redbook.

We had been looking at the Martin Logans, which I like, but I've heard these compare favorably and they would probably be more cat/dog/kid proof.
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He gave me the name of a dealer in Chicago, where I'll be for Thanksgiving. I'm going to call to see what they have on the floor. But he offered me 45 days, full money back including shipping, so I'm not committing fully. (See, just like the guys here. Totally joking. I'm SO not a male baser. Just conscious of being one of the few women obsessed with audio equipment.)
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I've owned the VR4 GenIII's for 1 1/2 years & a few months ago auditioned the VR2's at home for about 5 days.

I liked the sound of the 2's but would not give up my 4's for them. There is nothing wrong with the 2's, it's just that the 4's do it better. I've never had a speaker that needed a sub & the systems I've heard with subs were not seamless.

I tried the 2's because I thought my room wasn't big enough for the 4's due to room placement/constraints but after having a listen to the 2's, decided to make a few adjustments to bring out the best sound I could. Even in my situation the 4 was the better speaker. From what you posted, you have plenty of power & a big enough room to get the speakers away from the wall & still have plenty of room.

Another one for your consideration is the VR4 junior, which should be available soon for auditioning. I've also heard the SE's but only at the dealer's. Not as fair an audition as in home but I preferred the GenIII's to the SE's.