VPI HW 19 - replacing springs with pucks or cones

I have a VPI HW 19 turntable and have read in several places about a modification whereby the suspension springs are removed and replaced with sorbothane pucks or cones. Does anyone have experience with this modification? Opinions as to benefits vs. detriments? Most importantly, what size/brand/type of puck or cone works best? Thanks.
Ag insider logo xs@2xcrazee01
Just in case it's not obvious, there's alot more to the differences in a Basis and VPI, such as the bearing, platter, plinth, construction, geometry, etc..
I understand that and I was'nt trying to compare the 2 tables. What I was trying to say was, just because it now might resemble another table, it does'nt necessarily make them the same or even a hybrid of the two.
Not to mention it was a joke, but basically a 1400 is a plinth in the air on 3 posts, that was all I was saying, in refernce to what opal was doing. It was almost like you were wanting to discuss the superiority of the Basis 1400, and if that is the case you have won. It is superior.
sorry, didn't mean to over burden it. subtle humor often gets lost over the net, and there is a lot of surprisingly ignorant assumptions that get bandied about 'round here by the innocent. I was simply making a point for the subtleties involved, not a judgment about the merits of either table. carry on...
Actually I have 4 pieces of the noodle stuff under my table.
If you ever get around to this mod, send me an eMail and let me know what you think of it.

Apology accepted, even us innocents can get touchy sometimes when it comes to our gear.