VPI Single Motor Flywheel / SDS / Aries 3

I just purchased a new VPI Single Motor flywheel for my Aries 3. I have an SDS. It seems like I get answers a little quicker from this forum than VPI, although I have a call in to them.

Here is my dilemma: When I have the Single Motor Flywheel plugged in to the SDS or the wall outlet, the motor turns the flywheel too slowly and I am several HZ below the 60Hz/33RPM on my SDS. The sound is very slow and clearly under 33 rpm on the platter. The flywheel seems we lubricated and turns easily. The motor is quiet. It's just slow. So slow, I have to turn the SDS up to 65-66 HZ to approach strobe disc accuracy and acceptable sound for 33 rpm. Haven't even tried 45 rpm yet.

The motor is placed within proper distance to the flywheel. It came with two small brown belts for the motor to spin the flywheel and one larger black belt which appears to be the same size as the belt used on the Aries 3 regular 300 rpm motor.

Is this normal? Anyone with VPI single motor flywheels or experience with them that could give me advice would be greatly appreciated.
My SDS is set at 72 for my Single Motor Flywheel with my Aries Extended. I think I set it using the center weight and ring but it has been a while. I have the other 2 tables set up now but I will check as soon as I put it back. I just took it down for photos so that should be soon.
Stan, thanks so much for your response. So this is 72 for 33 rpm speed? That would seem to make sense as I would guess at 72 this is where I would have to be to get accurate speed for 33 rpm.

Any more info I can gleem from you would be great. Your sure know your VPI stuff!
Stan here are my settings with the original Aries 3 motor using center weight and peripheral ring: 33RPM - 60 Hz, 45 RPM- 81 Hz.

I'll try the flywheel with strobe disc more tonight and see what I get. If you had to set it at 72 Hz to get 33 RPM with flywheel and center weight and peripheral ring, it would make sense from what I'm seeing.
I have the same stuff (aries 3 with the flywheel and 2 belts) 33 is 72 volts. Then using the strobe and the disc adjust the (mine is 60.22) until you achieve the speed. There is no one perfect setting for everyone. The trick is to set it and let it run and recheck. It takes a while for the thing to lock in on 33 rpm So take your time and have a couple beers and adjust slowly to get the proper result. (Read Harry's instructions-they are very clear!)
I just had an interesting experience. As I said my voltage is usually 72 at right on 60 Hz. I decided to connect the SDS to my Scoutmaster, I had to lower the setting to slightly below 60 to get the exact speed. When I went back to my listening seat I noticed the voltage read 84. I was puzzled until I realized that I had plugged the SDS into one for the regular lines rather than one of the two dedicated ones. When I plugged it into one of them the voltage went back to 72.
So there is a 12 volt difference between my dedicated and non dedicated lines on the SDS, no wonder they sound different.