The VPI TNT is a very versatile table that can accommodate any tone arm, including tangential arms. You have the choice of belt drive, belt plus flywheel, or rim drive as the drive system. There are numerous platter options including 100% acrylic, Delrin with lead, Delrin with aluminum, Delrin with stainless steel, and 100% aluminum. You also have the option between a standard well bearing or an inverted bearing (depending on the platter selected). The suspension can be either spring loaded, pneumatic air bladder, or air ball suspension. The TNT is a highly tweakable table. Add in the VPI SDS speed controller, you have an excellent table that will continue to last for years.
With respect to the TNT3 table. The acrylic plinth is the same material used for the TNT 3 to 6. The TNT6 has a different motor cut out. The Mk3 uses springs for the pillar suspension. Replace the springs with the air ball suspension available from VPI. The TNT 3 uses a 600 rpm motor without a flywheel. The TNT 3.5 added the optional flywheel as standard. The TNT 3s platter is made out of a sandwich of aluminum and delrin. Look for a Mk5 platter made from 50% stainless steel and 50% delrin or a delrin/ stainless steel/delrin sandwich Super Platter. These 2 platter offer a substantial upgrade over the Mk3 platter. If you want a more dynamic and less colored presentation, you can upgrade to the VPI Classic 100% aluminum platter. You have a lot of upgrade/tailored options.
The biggest drawback of the TNT is its large footprint.