VPI Traveller

Has anybody heard anything about New VPi Traveller due out on June 1. It comes with Grado Gold for $1499.

Any recommendations for reasonably priced cartridge for this new table.

What cartridges work well with VPI tables

Thanks in advance for responses
I am not thinking about upgrading at this point. I am entry level enthusiast and I thought this might be way of getting into quality table and company. My other options would be something like Rega RP3 or say Sota Comet

In addition, the traveller can be purchased $1299 without cartridge, so what cartridge best for price and value.

Also "B" stock is $1399 without cartridge

Just trying to get quality table that will last me for a few years
I'll add one more to Stringreen's list of carts that work well with VPI- Lyra Helicon
The arm on the new Traveler table is completely different from any other VPI arm. All of the VPI arms to date have been unipivot designs. The Traveler arm is a gimballed bearing design. The cartridges that worked on the unipivots "might" not work as well on this design.

We will have to wait until the table is released and owners have a chance to try different carts on it. I'm sure it will work well with most cartridges, but you never know...