VTA on a Triplanar

What VTA setting do most Triplanar owners use/recommend ? Appreciate that there are a host of subjective variables ie the cart, record thickness, VTF, listening preferences etc etc but I reckon there is an optimal range or reading on the scale of 1-11. From my experience with a Lyra Skala and VTF of 1.60 gm, a reading of around 5.5 on the VTA cylinder( taking the reading from the top of the silver cylinder in line with the vertical scale and NOT the horizontal line in the middle) appears most promising but am still learning and experimenting.
Would appreciate any comments/suggestions.
Tvad, read Mike's post again. He didn't say it was unique, you added that part. Your joke has no punch line. ;-)
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That's cool. People say similar things with regards to Lenco turntables as well.

It's one thing to have a feature on a tonearm (VTA on the fly) and quite another this feature to not compromise the basic tasks that a tonearm is intended to provide (sonics).

I'd opt for inconvenience (omitting a feature) if its implementation compromised sonics. This is of course, a slippery slope between ergonomics and sound however, and everyone has their own tolerance level for performing different tasks.

Thom @ Galibier