VTL 750 Reference multicap upgrade to infinicaps ?

has anybody ever did this upgrade? sonic results?
VTL 750 REFERENCE multicaps Upgraded to infinicaps ?
Mejames, I swear, I really didn't see this thread before I posted my one above...great minds and all that! :-) Best of luck, I'll be checking back...
Ask Michael Percy and He'll answer that infinicaps are no better than multicaps RTX. They're simply perfect. Did you make a signature trans upgrade yet?
Mejames, don't think the Inficaps are an "upgrade" to the multi-caps? When upgrading the caps in my former Manley Ref250's, the price of the upgrade to Infinicaps vs. multicaps was the same. I chose the multicaps over the Infinicaps because I was told the Infinicaps were more detailed, but also more "thin" sounding.
Marakanetz, I believe that all VTL Reference amps have been produced only with the Signature transformers, no upgrade possible...

Germanboxers, when I spoke with Luke Manley about their coupling cap upgrade for my 185's, he talked about the Infinicaps as being one of two possibilities, with (I think) them having a somewhat 'lighter' sound, but I thought the other possibility was something called Auricaps, though I may be remembering that incorrectly...
when the reference 750 was originally released it used the multi caps which were subsequently updated to infini caps few months later. I purchased pair with multi caps last week the upgrade is $2k so wanted someones opinion who's actually had the upgrade regarding the sonic changes.