VTL ST 150, Audio Research VT 100, mk. II

I was wondering if anyone could give some feedback on these two amps. I am thinking of replacing my Counterpoint SA 220. These are the two that are in my price range. They would be powering Vandersteen 2ce Signatures. My preamp is a Audible Illusions 3A.
Any information is appreciated.
I agree with USBlues's comment. Sideways move.
Get a tech to replace the 0.68uF Wondercaps with oil caps and you will get rid of a lot of the misty dull sonic signature. Worry not this mod has nothing to do with the fragile output stage.

BTW since its an old SA220 just be very careful when turning it on and dont ever let the speaker wires short or overdrive the amp.
Thanks everyone. My usually trusty Counterpoint is in need of a repair that will equal or exceed the price I paid for it. Since my post, I have also discovered some interest in Quicksilver and Rogue along with the VTL and ARC. It depends on what comes on the market at a good price. I will continue to consider you input.
Difficult choice and depends to a large extent on the sound you are looking for. The ARC will give you a bigger, more powerful and dynamic sound overall, a bigger stage front to back and side to side. Also, better bass and more grunt. The VTL will be more gentle, will give you a fleshier mid-range, more 'tube' magic overall. Years ago I compared the VT100 to several of the VTL amps; ultimately I went with the VTL 125 MB's, but the ARC was excellent also. The VTL's just sounded better overall with my horn speakers.
I owned a the ST150 and had it paired with the AI M3B. It smoked the McIntosh MC402 it replaced big time. Far better dynamics and PRAT for about half the price. VTL will also outperform the QS amps from what I recall (having owned the Silver 60's and Silver 90's). The only reason I sold it was to pick up a pair of vintage VTL compact 100's ( el34 based).

Good luck