Kgturner... Whenever I see what I consider to be the band-wagon approach to products I tend to steer clear. I've never heard this one so I really don't have an opinion to its qualities.
Srama... Thank you for your input. The only Bel Cantos I thought to look at were the 1, 2, and 3. Didn't care for any of them. However, that 1.5 looks like its right up my ally. Remote option is definitely a plus.
Erikminer... Thank you as well. The W4S certainly isn't far off from the pick. I just want to make this purchase count and do it once. For now...
W4S DAC1 at $1k. The Cary Exciter I can get for $1.2k and the BC 1.5 for $1.4k.
Of the revised list here, which way would you go? They all have the necessary inputs I need. I'm strictly looking at sound now. How do they compare? I just want the most resolute one with the deepest bass extension I can get. Which one of these will give that to me?
Srama... Thank you for your input. The only Bel Cantos I thought to look at were the 1, 2, and 3. Didn't care for any of them. However, that 1.5 looks like its right up my ally. Remote option is definitely a plus.
Erikminer... Thank you as well. The W4S certainly isn't far off from the pick. I just want to make this purchase count and do it once. For now...
W4S DAC1 at $1k. The Cary Exciter I can get for $1.2k and the BC 1.5 for $1.4k.
Of the revised list here, which way would you go? They all have the necessary inputs I need. I'm strictly looking at sound now. How do they compare? I just want the most resolute one with the deepest bass extension I can get. Which one of these will give that to me?