Wadia 170iTransport - To mod, or not to mod?

It's been about a year now with my iTransport so I thought it was time to research mods and get opinions, recommendations.

I became interested after recently seeing the CIAudio VDC 9.0 power supply. Would this make a difference though since I plug mine into a Walker VelocitorS already? It's almost the price of the iTransport too. Plus it would require another power cord.

I'm sure there's various internal parts that would benefit, but the only other mod I had considered was upgrading the SPDIF RCA jack to a WBT NextGen Ag. I wonder if Wadia has made any changes since mine?
Bombaywalla it sounds like from what your said, the best way to improve the sound/jitter of the wadia i170 is to use a good outboard clock. I know empricial audio has one called pace car 2 very good reviews, i think it can cost as much as 2,000 if you get it fully loaded.
Appreciate your feedback re. the problem being specific to the TI PCM270X chipset.

Just so that you know my explanation above was in response to your following comment:
03-19-09: Usarmyvet91: Noshortcuts your right the couple of people that i have talked to in the mod and audio business tell me that clocks will not work inside of the wadia. Then turn around and try to sell me their outboard jitter device that has a clock in it, go figure.
It is not that I want to buy a re-clocker.

"No mod, is good mod".

Why not replace that 'jittery' TI chip [PCM270X] then, or is that what the ASI mod does? Why did Wadia use this chip (savings) if it's known to be 'jittery'?

After some reading I don't think I'm going to mod my iTransport, at least not yet. Wadia will probably have a new one soon anyhow. You know how it is with computer products; "obsolete before it's released".

I didn't know that the iPod Touch had a SSD. That would be better, but the limited capacity keeps me away. My whole CD library is on my 160 GB Classic iPod in Apple Lossless (over 500 CD's and still some room to spare). Buying multiple iPod Touch's is cost prohibitive so you don't have to dock it for other music.

And as far as an outboard clock, $1250 for the Pace-Car 2 is too much. When mods start to cost 4x as much as the product they are modding then you need a better product first.

I'm still curious if any one has tried the CIAudio VDC 9.0 power supply and what they thought. Would it even matter since mine is plugged into a Walker VelocitorS?

With regards to USB DAC's; I auditioned a number of them in my system ($100 to $3500), including the 'Brick' and 'Cosecant v2'. I have the iTransport, which tells you what I thought. I also tried the SB3 before that and preferred it to the USB DAC's but it had constant drop-out issues. That Weiss Minerva FW DAC looks cool. But then I already have a superb DAC.
Why not replace that 'jittery' TI chip [PCM270X] then, or is that what the ASI mod does?
Ach, can't do that! the whole 170i is built around the PCM270X IC. You remove this IC & you basically have nothing!
I believe that the better thing to do is to re-clock the digital signal. You can use more modest re-clockers such as Monarchy DIP, GW Labs, Genesis Digital Lens. Some of these are available used.

No, the ASi mods are quite extensive but it does not replace the PCM270X IC. The ASi mods offer upgrading caps & voltage regulators, replacing the clock with a Superclock, chassis damping, better quality connectors, etc, etc. You can read more on their website. I don't have the address handy but Google it.

Why did Wadia use this chip (savings) if it's known to be 'jittery'?
yes, I'm sure that the end cost must have played a part in selecting this commodity IC. The 170i is a $380 docking station for a $250 iPod. The prices of both items match - people buying the iPod would consider the 170i as a mate. What if the 170i cost $1250 (like the Pace Car 2) - would an iPod buyer consider it as favourably as he would a $380 170i? Some would but most will not!

That Weiss Minerva FW DAC looks cool
yup! have a couple friends that own it. this DAC can go all the way to 192KHz so it can playback standard redbook & upsampled redbook. Seems to have all the flexibility that one would need today. It's the FireWire connection that allows it to support 192KHz.
Thanks, Bombaywalla

I agree, most iPod users would not see the iTransport as favorable a mate if priced like the Pace Car 2. But to me the iTransport was meant for Audiophiles, not MP3 listeners. Wadia should [have] offer a 'cost no object' version.

The GW Labs DSP is more affordable. But the problem I have with adding an outboard re-clocker is the need for another digital cable to match the one I have, as well as another power cord, and raising the cost. I also want to keep my system simple. That's one aspect of the 'computer audio' DIY I've never liked - all those extra parts, and wires, and connectors, and plugs, and cords,... aaaaggh! Doesn't work with my OCD perfectionism. ;-) Not the kind of high-end audio I want.

The Minerva is intriguing (I could use my iMac via Fire Wire), but I think my Reimyo DAP-777 is still a strong contender. I also realized from my music server trials that it takes a special set up (DAC) to match what I had with my previous CDP. The USB DAC's I auditioned just weren't delivering the sound I was accustom to. Fortunately the Reimyo DAP and iTransport did just that, and more.

I admit though, the rest of my system does make up for what the iTransport/iPod lacks so there's room for improvement at the source. It's that kind of situation where you'd have to hear it to know it. But I knew from the USB DAC's I auditioned that I'd have to find a superb DAC if I wanted to hear what I was used to hearing before. It's not as simple as getting a music server as many seem to think/imply. You can't match what you had unless it's the same DAC, or better; i.e, buying the Olive music server would not be as good unless it was running through my DAC, or it's internal DAC was comparable to what I had.
