"No mod, is good mod".
Why not replace that 'jittery' TI chip [PCM270X] then, or is that what the ASI mod does? Why did Wadia use this chip (savings) if it's known to be 'jittery'?
After some reading I don't think I'm going to mod my iTransport, at least not yet. Wadia will probably have a new one soon anyhow. You know how it is with computer products; "obsolete before it's released".
I didn't know that the iPod Touch had a SSD. That would be better, but the limited capacity keeps me away. My whole CD library is on my 160 GB Classic iPod in Apple Lossless (over 500 CD's and still some room to spare). Buying multiple iPod Touch's is cost prohibitive so you don't have to dock it for other music.
And as far as an outboard clock, $1250 for the Pace-Car 2 is too much. When mods start to cost 4x as much as the product they are modding then you need a better product first.
I'm still curious if any one has tried the CIAudio VDC 9.0 power supply and what they thought. Would it even matter since mine is plugged into a Walker VelocitorS?
With regards to USB DAC's; I auditioned a number of them in my system ($100 to $3500), including the 'Brick' and 'Cosecant v2'. I have the iTransport, which tells you what I thought. I also tried the SB3 before that and preferred it to the USB DAC's but it had constant drop-out issues. That Weiss Minerva FW DAC looks cool. But then I already have a superb DAC.