Wadia 861 vs. 861 SE

I have a Wadia 861 and I would like to know if there is a significant improvement with the 861 SE? I would like a comparison of 861 vs. 861SE and not include GNSC mods at this point.

Wow ,I am always amazed at how the question seems to get lost in the wording!Dbk maybe you could explain how Emm labs pertains to this thread??
I have a 860 with GNSC mods with a SE drive. The SE-drive makes a pretty big difference that I can recommend. If you can afford it, go for the SE.

RJA: Have Wadia been out of business again? Anyone else who knows anything about this?
dbk not comparing Redbook the emm system vs. my gnsc statement modified Wadia 861 se easily equaled its performance. on sacd the emm was maybe 5% better than the Wadia Redbook performance.
Thanks for everyone's input on the 861SE. I got a short demo of it last week and I am considering it.
I have had a few Wadia players and enjoyed everyone of them. I hope their business situation gets better and be around for a while.

My understanding is the company is now owned by employees which will probably give them more control.