I'm in agreement with Hdm's post.
Having compared the Walker Prelude water with the 9800-5 NERL Diagnostics Reagent Grade water I hear no sonic difference between either used with both the old (2x water) and new (1 water + 1 hi-rez rinse) Prelude regimens and my Loricraft RCM. No special methodology is claimed that a critic would find flawless. (I do believe the new Step-4 Rinse is superior to water only.)
There is however significant cost difference based on 5 gal quantities, with the Walker and AIVS water being 8-10 times more expensive. Each box of NERL includes an analysis (cf. Rushton's pointer) and claims to meet standards for Clinical Laboratory Reagent Water. For my purposes the NERL Reagent Grade water substitutes just fine for Lloyd's water.
That there is a sonic difference between distilled water and other waters has been discussed previously in this useful thread.