Walker High Definition Links

Has anyone tried these? What effects did they have? Positives? Negatives? System they were tried in?
Oops! I apologize Mikeg for not reading more carefully. I also use the HDL's in my system. I will simply echo what Albert says about them; they work very well in producing a more relaxed, natural presentation of the music. You really will be surprised. One caveat however: Walker says they take 3 days of constant use (i.e 72 hrs)to break in. I spent abut a week wondering why i had them in the system as I could not discern any major improvement. then, after about a week of listening and breaking in ( i left the system on low volume for about 8-10 hrs a day) the system was transformed by the effect of the HDL's. Just give them alot of time to break in and I believe you will be pleasantly surprised.
With the quality and investment in the rest of your system I would pay the $300 to give them a try. I'm sure you could find a buyer on the resale market and lose very little (relative to your systems value) money if they don't work out for you.
Walker HD links are a small wooden box, maybe 2" X 1" X 1/2". They have two small silver wires with silver spades soldered on, and they go "across" the plus and minus lugs on the speakers, where amp connection is made. They retail for $300.00, and require break in before you can hear what they are capable of. In my system, everything improved, top end resolution, smoothness, extension and impact in the bass and imaging. Hard to believe this small device can make so much difference for so little money. I suspect that results will vary, depending on the equipment associated and the type of speaker. I can only speak from experience with my system.