Raul,the first was "your" quote,and the second one was "my" quote.I totally understood your post.
BTW,I'm just trying to spice things up,a bit,so don't take my posts too seriously.Just in good fun.
So,back to the Walker...."Of course it is soley one component,.....BUT when all else in place,the air bearing platter/air suspension,and the parallel arm,with it's own air bearing will DRAMATICALLY effect a high res system!
Of course,as is well known by you guys,if something like a supposedly minimal add on, like a high quality fuse(for example)has an impact on sound,or some dumb tweak(many do work)than everything has an "almost" equal impact on a superior set-up.
I'd still give major emphasis to something like the Proscenium.You will definitely hear it's presence.
Disclaimer..these comments are well known by most hobbyists,so please don't get the impression I am adding some overblown ego into the equation.My technical knowledge doesn't hold a candle to many posting here.I DO have a decent set of ears,though,and have heard a ton of systems.