It’s a question of getting your moneys worth. If the parts used in the Rio/chromatose only cost say $100 yet it is sold for nearly $4000 the price you pay is going towards the rent for the factory and profit. Your hard earned money isnt going into the product you are spending it on'.
Kenjit, I don't think you thought through your statement very well.
That is in fact what every part and and thing made for public consumption amounts to. A small amount of material costs, labor, fixed costs, resupply costs, and profit. Including an accuton driver. It is not any different. Now if you have a company using the most expensive drivers in their speakers that cost the same as GM speakers, you are trading more expensive drivers for development and engineering talents. There are tradeoffs. I am glad we have both to chose from.
You can decide for yourself which you prefer. I do not need to know that.
So it is going into the item you have worked hard to earn the money to by such a product. In this case you, unlike many manufacturer's we have a very capable engineer putting these parts together in one of the single most effective results that you can hear. That is exactly what one would want in a speaker designer. Not someone putting a silver ring on a pigs nose.
Please Kenjit if you don't not have much to add to the thread please do not respond. I do not care that is your right to bring your thoughts to this thread. Having a right and doing the right thing are two completely different things.