Wattgate or Jena outlets?

Anyone tried and compared both of these receptacles? which one gave you overall better results?
I think the Hubbell 8300 hospital grade outlet is best. About $20 through an electrical supply store. No cryo, makes the plastic brittle.
Sonic_genius, I have thought about the possible negative effects cryo treating may have on the non-metallic components of the items treated, like the jackets or connectors on powercords.
Can you elaborate more on what experience you have had with these negative effects of cryo treatment or are there other places where you have seen this topic?
For what ever it's worth; I own the Hubbell 8300 & 5362 non-cryo'd and cryo'd. Once the cryo'd burn in/break in there is no comparison, the cryo'd always win in my tube system and SS system. I've never had a problem with any part being brittle.
What does not survive cryo treatment well are:
1) mov's [they cracked]
2) silicone compounds for damping [they shrunk a bit and hardened].
3) neoprene rubber [shrank a bit and lost elasticity]. I also have been told that silver mica caps don't do well, and "some" adhesives".
Add the mov's and silicon (and other) damping compounds last, *after* the cryogenic treatment....that way everything will be perfect.