"But all things being equal, it goes without saying that if we replace all the parts inside the Weiss with more premium parts then the sound would be even better."
Actually, I think there is no evidence, one way or another, about that at all. Premium parts are nice, but if the parts don't all work well together, premium parts is just wasted money. Many times over the years I have read interviews with designers who pointed out that they listen to all the parts and that the most expensive parts are not necessarily the parts they thought ultimately sounded best.
If money were the issue, I would buy a $400 MyDAC, and sustitute each and every part inside for a premium version, including a premium chassis and case, and then sell it for $7,500.
You do realize the single most expensive part of that $30,000 DAC is no doubt the chassis
However, no one hear is stopping you from spending $30,000. I just seems you are looking for validation for that decision.