Well Tempered Amadeus

I am curious if anyone has heard this turntable/arm combo? The reviews I have read are practically over the top with praise using terms such as nearly perfect, can't be beat for the price etc... If anyone has heard it, how might it compare to say the Scoutmaster.

Thanks, Chashas1. So if I understand you correctly, you CAN adjust the tracking angle simply by virtue of the "play" afforded by the cartridge-mounting screws in the headshell mounting holes, correct? (BTW, by "twisting" in my above post, I was referring to twisting the cartridge, not the headshell, which I know is fixed in position.)

Is there also enough "play" to achieve the optimum overhang of 0.5"? It seems this would be difficult to do, considering the widely varying lateral distances between the mounting holes and the styli of various cartridges.

These issues are not addressed in either the WTA blog or the user manual, as far as I can tell.

Thanks again,
It's interesting to note that Sarcher30 found the Amadeus cum Dynavector 17D3 to sound so good, given that the 17D3 is one cartridge that has a very odd mounting hole to stylus tip distance, probably well outside (or inside) the norm. One would indeed think that the maker would provide the owner with a list of cartridges that will line up to some acceptable geometry when mounted in the fixed holes of the tonearm headshell. By the way, this issue applies to all the earlier WT tonearms that I know about. Samtse, you refer to "grids". Does the Amadeus come with some sort of template that has grids to align the cartridge body in the headshell. (There might be some wiggle room in the horizontal plane.) If so, that's probably what you need to do. Then just enjoy the music and fuhgeddaboudit.
what cartridges are you guys using on the amadeus. i am waiting on my amadeus gta to arrive!
"what cartridges are you guys using on the amadeus. i am waiting on my amadeus gta to arrive!"

My dealer had an Amamdeus playing when I went to audition amps. He seemed to hold the following carts in high regard. EMT, not sure which one, Ortofon, and of course Dynavector, which has already been mentioned.
Maurager, just curious why you went for the GTA.
I have no doubt it's better than the standard Amadeus, but things have been a bit quiet on the GTA.
Apparently Mr. Firebaugh uses a different material in the
plinth. Can't remember what that material is though.
the GTA has a different plinth which is wood sandwiched between aluminium. also the feet are different and the golfball is black. the GTA is on backorder, so i guess it has been selling well. i heard the stardard amadeus with a dyanvector xx2 and it is a wonderful sounding table. music really flows out of this table.