Wharfedale Opus2-3 versus Mirage OMD-28

I have am looking at both the Wharfedale Opus2-3 and Mirage OMD-28. They are both reviewed as good for big rooms and having good but not perfect treble. Has anyone heard them? Thoughts on how they compare?

Thanks for the responses.

One of the things I am trying to cover with a new pair of speakers is listening at lower volumes. I'd like something that will fill my larger room a bit better. Any thoughts on whether either of these speakers have a full sound at lower volumes?
Thanks for writing about your experience with/thoughts on both the Opus line.

KennyT - Have you heard the OMD-28's?

EdRogers911 - I'm glad to know about the grills before buying.
I haven't heard the 28's but have a good amount of experience with Mirage and their house sound is not to my liking, I find them airy but vague.