What about this stylus guage?

I've been looking around for a HIGH quality digital stylus force guage,accurate in 1/00's gm.I noticed in the analog,for sale, area of Audiogon,there is a guy "Mambo" who is selling a seemingly fabs scale for 75 bucks.The WINDS 1/100 scale is mega bucks(though my friend has one,and it IS fabulous).

I do notice that the scale sold by "Mambo" has a slightly elevated platform,meaning that one may have to lower the cartridge by hand,BOO! Also,I'm sceptical as to the quality of manufacture.I had a Cartridge Man Guage whose battery died,and though I got a new battery to put in,just feel that I no longer want to go through the motions of recharging,and finding the TINY sweet spot on the Cart.Man any longer!Although,you ultimately dial in by ear,it is important(to me) to know EXACTLY what weight my downforce is.Hundreths of a gram can really be audible on a High Res system.

Any thoughts would really be appreciated!!
BTW there is a company called "Save on Scales" and you can (for $32) buy the basic scale (JENNINGS CREDIT CARD J-SCALE CC-100) without the offset shelf, which I believe Audioparts uses to make their product. Go to:


Metralla, did you check out some of their other 1/100 gram pocket scales? Most are under $100 and many measure in .01 gm increments.

Nsgarsh,Kehut,Just ordered the Digi-One you guys recommended.Thanks!!PS-It was 175.00 shipped!!