What amplifier do you use for your Dahlquist DQ10s

I have an Adcom GFA555 currently but am looking to upgrade to a better sounding amplifier. I've been considering Aragon 4004/8008 (Mondial not Klipsch manufactured), Counterpoint SA20 or SA220 (but have heard a lot about reliability issues with Counterpoint), but I'm looking for other ideas. I like the Rogue Audio m150/180 mono blocked but don't want to spend that much. I am using a Rogue Audio Perseus preamp that I would like to keep in my system. Any suggestions or comments are greatly appreciated.
I have a pair of DQ-10s that I drive with Proceed HPA-2's (250w/ch). I also drove them in an HT setup with a Parasound A51 (250w/ch also) both to good effect - they loved the power!
As others have said, current drive is the real requirement. The other suggestions of a DNA 1.0 (not the 0.5 though) or Muse 160 or CJ MF-200 if tubes are your fancy are very good too. Although I believe the DQ's were designed to thrive on transistor power. Oh, I really like the Aragon 8008 too!
M297904, the CJ MF-200 is a metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) amplifier, not a tube amp.
A lot of good recommendations.
Fanofdq10s, have you done any crossover upgrades to your DQ10s? I had my done (a long time ago) and the improvement was very noticeable. With the new caps available today, I imagine the improvement to be even greater. Just a thought.
Brf, thanks for the advice. I have definitely thought of upgrades on them. Ultimately I will be upgrading caps and wiring for sure. I have a great stereo shop where I live that I have dealt with for many years that will do the upgrades. I'm just waiting until I upgrade or replace the amp