What are some of the most underrated and overrated loudspeakers you’ve auditioned?

What speaker do you believe are the most overrated and which one do you consider the most overrated?
Don't know if they're underrated as such, but certainly below radar in the audiophile community at large: the JBL 4306 and 4429 (the L100 could also be included here). They image well, are well-balanced, very dynamic, and just sport a clean, honest and low-colored sound. 

What sets them apart from many of the more popular and typical hifi-speakers is the use of compression drivers in the mids and tweeter range, and to me - even though it makes them hybrid designs - this is a good thing. Horn profiles have come a long way these last 10-15 years, especially smaller horn variations (horn "honk" or other overt coloration in modern or larger, old horns is just gibberish and a flat out anachronism), the compression drivers have been great for even longer (though we've seen some improvements here as well), and all of this gets one substantially closer to having your cake and eat it too; there's refinement and imaging here to be had, in addition to significant gain in dynamic headroom, ease, sense of physicality/visceral feel, lower distortion and coloration (yes, you heard me right: lower coloration compared to dome tweeters and coned direct radiator mids). The more I get used to listening to quality horns the more coned direct radiators sound like cones. Piano, violin and saxophone in particular I find to be revealing instruments here, and when you go all-horn wait and see how bigger string instruments like cello and double bass can sound like. 

Most overrated speakers? Not that they seem excessively popular, but I've never bought into the sound of German Physiks speakers. 
Has anyone ever actually gone to a hi end store or to a person’s house who gives a damn about set up and HEARD speakers? I have had $400/pair speakers sound like $6500/pair speakers with the right amp (Hegel) and by changing the stock brass jumpers with copper jumpers.
Several people have talked correctly about room acoustics and tuning. 
“Free your ears, and your ass will follow...”

it stands to reason rating but a single pair of speakers highly or lowly is always going to be so subjecdtive and dependant on the ‘then’ circumstances of setup, room ancillary gear, and individual taste I’d think it impossible thereafter to sanely and or objectively quantify any brand at large across its production line, either approvingly or dismissively.

the sample size is too limited.

speakers as mighty as they are remain slave to the upstream equipment predominately, though more factors act in silent concxert aiding or detracting from their performance.

over rated speakers if there is such a thing, should be those whose asking price is are often prohibitive. These brands usually demand just as costly affiliates to really sing.

under rated speakers don’t usually come with the same caveats for their accompanying gear and can perform quite well with multiple . playmates, yet quite often do not receive wide spread recognition..

These last sentiments are view points , not proof.

then too, just how many audio nuts have auditioned every model speaker its maker produces? few, if any, I’m sure.

unless you have, you can’t make a proclimation, you can only make a presumption.

so any consensus for rating speakers can only be myopic, or biased as the entire production line will never see vast personal experience. only a few models here or there will get an ears on interview and even then with a exceptionally narrow array of associated equipment and setting.

i’ve had brands of which I”ve owned at least five different models. used multiple amps and sources with them. later, a lengthy list of varied wires and power and room treatments.

some brands I’ve had but three of their models. others just two and some, but one model.

I can’t justify damning or applauding any speaker brand based on such limited EXP, nor can I fully understand how anyone could.

i have determined every speaker has its ‘keys’ for sounding so so or outstanding! the trick is to figure out what ever speakers secrets and optimize it or them.

or decide a speakers true voice is only going to be realized with means well beyond my own and move on to some other brand’s models and begin again.

on the whole, I’ve been repeatedly shown great upstream gear and even modestly performing speakers, provides better results than having so called, great speakers with just entry level electronics supplying them.

keep in mind then any assessment of a particular loudspeaker brand whose hype seems exaggerated or understated is merely that… hype, and hype is plain old often groundless speculation or possibly too, massive one sided marketing tactics.
Right, and sophisticated people know that, but if we always have to state such caveats with every post then forum becomes very boring.

Keep it simple.  Spendor is way better than anything else out there.  haha, kidding of course - no disrespect intended
"I have had $400/pair speakers sound like $6500/pair speakers with the right amp (Hegel) and by changing the stock brass jumpers with copper jumpers."

That's wonderful. 

And, it's not meaningful, because any speaker can be improved to sound purportedly like one multiples better than X speaker. On a nearly weekly basis I make speakers, DACs, amps, etc. sound like ones multiple times the cost. At least that's how it seems. But, it only is actual when you have both together to compare, otherwise you're crafting a story about performance. 

So many in the community are boasting, "My speaker sounds better (or x times better than), and it doesn't mean a thing. Until actual comparison is done side by side it's all fluff.  :)