what are the Best Direct to amps Digital Players ?

Hi, I have had two tube digital players, one solid state in 14 months,I like the sound of alot of tube players, However, It always seems that tube players have problems!, These days, alot of solid state players out perform the tube players in every way!, Tube or solid state, what is the best sounding, most reliable, all cost points!, Digital that can be used direct to amplifiers?,, Thankyou!
Audiolabyrinth, I was in line to audition the Aesthetix Pandora in house, but got an EMM Labs DAC2X instead. I have since moved on to MSB Signature IV plus, and Arc Ref 5SE preamp. However, if you're interested I can hook you up with a dealer who might get you a Pandora for in house audition.
@ Gocubs999, Hi, That was information I will defiantly use!, Thats real good to know, Thankyou.
@ Edorr, thankyou, That will not be necessary, I am taking all this in, and then go and audition the players at a store where ever they are sold at, there is no dealers for top high-end here where I live, cheers.
The only way to get any meaningful information from an in store audition is to bring your own DAC and line it up against a few contenders. Many (some?) dealers ship components to your home for audition - some factory direct sellers also do. I would strongly suggest you consider going down that path. My personal strategy is to buy a piece I am interested in used, try it out and resell if I don't like it. While not possible for all DACs (some never show up used), for some of the contenders in the sub $2K used category this is a good used market (e.g. PS audio Perfeectwave, Bel Canto DACs and others), making this a good decision making process.
I have a wyred 4 sound dac 2. It is currently hooked up direct to amp. At first I thought I liked the sound better with preamp (ps audio hca with matching power supply), because it seemed a little more warm and full, but now I like it without the preamp. Very transparent and now seems to be getting more bass and warmth. May be time to sell preamp and power supply.