What are the top 3 USB cables being used today in reference systems?

I am looking for a highly rated USB cable that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Is there such a cable?
Considering almost all decent DACs these days feed everything into memory from galvanically isolated input before running the data via up sampling filter, USB cables making a difference is pure voodoo. 
@astelmaszek Get 2 identical dacs, get a $5 USB cable and just a mid tier USB cable and feed them both with a Roon feeding both the same music. switch between them on your pre and I promise they will sound different. I’m not saying which will be better I’m just saying they will sound different. Talk to great digital designers, for instance Lukasz of Lampizator fame, and he will tell you he doesn’t know why nor can he explain but he can hear dramatic differences. While the most expensive cables don’t always sound better, the free USB cables rarely will.
@ghasley Last person I'd get advice from about digital anything is Lukas from Lampizator. On Chord Dave, being listened to via Focal Utopia headphones, about as transparent system as it gets, there is zero difference between digital cables. There cannot be any difference as there is zero connection between USB going in and what's going out. There is a noticable delay between feeding the DAC and when the music starts playing. All that data sits in memory. All tests prove this DAC is immune to jitter and USB introduced noise. 

Now Lampizator might not be but I would not be surprised at all about it. Pretty case and glowing tubes do not a DAC make.
@astelmaszek Best wishes and I'm glad we can agree to disagree, which is cool. The Dave and the Focals are a great match, they play to each other's strengths.By the way, how come Chord doesn't demonstrate their dacs with the free usb cables they provide? Just sayin...
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