What can beat Wilson XVX for less money?

If you have heard xvx what speakers have you heard that are better for less money? Seems Jay just got XVX and can't help but wonder if there are speakers that perform better for example for $100k or less. Including used.


@skinzy, what I am saying is, musicians listen to specific characteristics within the recorded music, different than the typical audiophile. How I see the typical audiophile and listener today, soundstaging and imaging seems to be the biggest thing ( most important characteristic ), and I do not feel there will be an argument about this with most of the listeners. This is based on what I read, and my discussions with audiophiles. I get it, I understand it, and I appreciate it. Last weekend I received a call from an acquaintance of mine about hearing less center image. He was getting it, but it disappeared. A bad tube maybe. Interesting, how much music is manipulated in the recording and mastering process, to give us these effects. But when I talk about the music, all of that does not matter as much ( again, imo ), because as I said, there are other attributes I find to be more important, in conveying to me, a performance. I am one person, and I have my ways. I mean no harm in giving my opinion, and if I hit a sore spot with you, I apologize. My best, always, MrD. Enjoy !

@skinzy I am with you sir. I do not care at all if my system conveys ’what the musician intended’. Instead my only concern is maximizing my own enjoyment of the music.


Did the all new Kroma Atelier Mercedes Loudspeakers with all Purifi Drivers just made the World's Best Speakers ? 🤔 😈

@smodtactical Purifi told Kroma Atelier at one of the Shows that they never heard their Purifi Drivers sound this good before at 7:18 in this video below ! 😈


We will find out at Munich 2023 Show how good the all new Kroma Atelier Mercedes Loudspeakers are... 
