What cartridge on your VPI prime?

I own a VPI prime, I installed a denon 103 R and I had never change the cart due to lack of funds. Now I want to upgrade my analog ring to the same level of my digital.
I have been considering based on reviews.

1- ortofon quintet
2- charisma MC2
3-ortofon black
4-kiseki blue.
5- rega alpheta 2.

I would appreciate any inputs from your end about cartridge selection and phono associated currently I am using graham slee reflex M.
Kind regards and thank you.
I have the VPI Prime and have a Denon DL103r on the 3d arm. And I think it is sounds great. I am using a Vincent POH-8 phono preamp and running it into a Mcintosh preamp and out to some tube amps and some huge horn loaded speakers. I also tryed an Ortofon OM super 40 MM cartridge before the Denon, and it too sounded great. But I think the Denon had a llittle more detail in the midrange. I have also read that sending in the denon cartridge to be retiped with a better tip can make a big difference too. 
I use a Haniwa Cart with a matching Haniwa Phono EQ and my table is quite similar to yours. It is a VPI Super Scoutmaster but with a Prime Motor and prime 10inch 3D Printed Arm and the 3D Tonearm base and I had a custom made pair of ultra ohm ic cables and I'm pretty excited about it. Good luck with your choice! Get the best cart you can afford. Not the most expensive but the best quality which is usually the most expensive and it will make your table what it is.,
I am very interested if anyone has heard the Charisma MC-2 particularly on a Prime. I am debating between this and a Lyra Delos. 
Can say i'm using an Ortofon MM Bronze currently which is very nice but recently upgraded to a Manley Chinook and am wanting to try out a MC cartridge so heard lots of good reviews for the Delos and Prime but the Charisma is intriguing.