designed by James Sugden, for Universities. The A21 was the first amplifier to be put into productionI think you’ll find one that I had was even earlier, the Sugden P51 C51
Cheers George
Sugden P51 C51 pre/power In case your wondering, 1960's Cheers George |
I'm using a Sugden A25B on my Altec 620 and it's quite a good little amp. Musical and warm sounding but not the final word in definition and clarity... I didn't listen to the Sugden you mentionned but it's most certainly good... I've heard other Sugden products and they all sounded good... Is it as good as the Pass Lab ? I can't tell since I never had the chance to listen to one... Sugden products are not known in the US but many audiophiles are using it in Canada... |
As a former speaker manufacturer, I have listened to many, many amps and I have always liked the Sudgen sound. Clean, pure, sweet, natural. For that matter, I like Class A amps. The FPA4, discontinued in 2019, was based on the A21, so you have some very good DNA there. But is is not the same as the A21SE. The XA25 is unlike other Pass amps, so you need to hear it to appreciate what it is. It has its own sound and is close to a single ended tube sound. It is actually the one Pass amp that I like the best. Read Teajays's and the others review. I have 4 favorite ss amps and the XA25 is one, which I also own. It comes down to your ears and what is in the rest of your system. But there is something special and just right about the XA25. I hope you can find some way to compare them side by side. |