What comes after Jean-Marie Reynaud?

I have Jean-Marie Reynaud Evolution 3 speakers.
I loved them for 2 years, and now I really like them most of the time.
I listen to music 5-8 hours a day, and as I hear more, and as my sensitivity develops - I want something a bit more resolving.
The Evo's are on the warm, soft, immediate, emotional, seductive side of the ledger.
Everything sounds good. But sometimes I feel it is too "nice".
I want tighter bass, more extension up top, more detail in the mids - without becoming, cool, mechanical, analytical.

I listen only to acoustic music: folk, light jazz, World music, small ensembles and Jordi Savall's brand of ancient Spanish classical/folk.

90% of my CD's are female vocal. I do not like orchestral music, electronica or rock.

My budget is up to about $8,000 maybe $10,000.

I have not liked B&W, Thiel or Gallo or Dynaudio - they have all seemed cool or lacked immediacy, presence, emotion.

I'd appreciate anyone's ideas

Srajan Ebaen just posted a review at 6moons.com of an new offering by Zu Cable. The price is $9,000 and it looks quite promising.

Zu Cable Definition Review
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