What companies have gone above and beyond?

I have had a few products back to the manufacturer for different reasons. Some companies have been fantastic to deal with while others have been a disappointment. Sota was so good I couldn't believe it. Aragon was almost as good. What companies have you dealt with that provided exceptional service?
Great thread!

Shari at Thiel.
The gentleman at Wireworld...David..
All at Magnepan, esp. Mr. Diller...a gentleman.
Roger at InnerSound.
The young gentleman at Classe
Everyone at Magnum Dynalab.
All at Conrad Johnson...superb!.....all of these
are the current "Lions" of the high-end..but what of the

For great service that helped me down this audio path..

The great Henry Kloss...and all of his companies!
Jon Dahlquist and Sal Marantz.
The "L" and "H" of KLH.
All at VPI....hey, their part of the past, present and

It is good to say that the "high-end" of audio has more good
people that any other group that I have had contact with..

Another vote for Thiel and Shari. Replaced free of charge (including free delivery) 14 year old woofer with silver solder, out of warranty 4 years. Called Fiday afternoon, recieved goods Monday afternoon. Recieved phone call Tuesday afternoon to make sure I was satisfied. You bet I am. Bravo, Thiel and Shari!
Mondial designs (now of Klipsch). Adam Gershon on email, Paul Rosenberg on the phone - offered and delivered free custom work on the output stage of my Act3 to better mate to my Klipsch La Scalas, and were patient and voluminous (and correct!) with help on questions on other units. Professional, courteous, and totally stand-behind-ish. They deserve highest marks.