What contact cleaner do you recommend?

Have read very positive claims regarding Extreme SST by Walker Audio. My main concern is possible damage to your components? Is this a valid concern? Are there better more effective(safe) contact cleaners/paste available. All comments are much appreciated.
I found that both Walker and Xtreme degrade significantly over a short time. They do make a very positive initial effect. Personally, I would avoid either.

I do recommend Walker Talisman and Xtreme CD cleaner. Those are great products.
Thanx for the suggestions. The Kontak appears to be what i'm looking for. The Stabilant 22 is more lubricant then cleaner. Has anyone used Kontak on tube pins? If so were the results positive?
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Good advice Elizabeth. I too use Caig very lightly about only once year but am happy with the results. Also use it on my guitar amps, pots and connections too.