What do audiophiles listen in their cars?

I know this is not a car audio sight, but it would help me out a lot if I could get input as to what the discriminating audiophiles listen to in their cars.

If you can give me a detailed list of the system, I would really appreciate it - I am starting an affordable Hifi shop that includes car audio.

Thanks a mill. in advance...
Personally, I don’t give car audio upgrade much though as my car stereo system is integrated with my navigation, phone, voice command activation etc. The only time I give car audio any thought is when buying a new car.
My '99 Volvo wagon has nicely designed and arranged Nakamichi system with its own speakers only labeled Volvo. The ride is quiet and ambient sound isolation is great. The CD playback is FANTASTIC. It plays abused and scratched CDs, barely skips and sounds balanced and warm. It's not integrated with my phone and it doesn't have any new today's technologies, but I don't mind. I can find later model salvage car to take steering wheel with radio controlls and connect it to my radio for convenience and that's the only upgrade I wish to make.

In my car I listen everything I listen home only using CDRs that can also have my digitized vinyl recordings.
The real challenge with after-market car audio today is that it isn't all that easy to improve on the audio equipment included with the vehicle -- which is often integrated with other systems in the car and has frequently had its frequency response and imaging "tuned" to the vehicle's interior -- and this is especially true with upscale vehicles. Add to this the fact that the quality of after-market installs varies so widely (I once had an iPod interface added to a Toyota Avalon -- it worked, sort of, for awhile) and you probably find a lot of audiophiles reluctant to take the plunge.

I wish you well with your new store -- I think we are in dire need of good, reliable places to audition and purchase affordable hifi equipment. But I'm not sure how much demand there is among audiophiles for after-market audio equipment, except possibly adapters for mobile music players in cars that don't have them. Perhaps others can offer more insight.