I am a music lover. I listen to mostly classical music, but also jazz, female vocals, and classic rock. The gear matters; however, I have (mostly) learned to be content with low high-end affordable equipment such as Triangle floorstanding speakers, reference Marantz electronics, Kimber cables, VPI turntable, Denon 103 cartridge, etc. I say “mostly”, because I look on Audiogon almost daily for what is available and also read the forums. But I can appreciate stuff without having to own it. Contentment is an attainable choice, perfection is not.
These days, 5 years into retirement, my wife and I enjoy traveling and supporting certain needful non-profits (Church, schools, indigent ministries, etc.). My wife and friends don’t understand the need for more gear. I have two friends who listen intently, and we often share listening sessions. Mostly, however, I listen alone. I look forward to early morning sessions with Bach and empty house moments with the volume turned up, exploring genres other than classical. I love music. I love the way it can move me and go straight to my soul. I love the palate of emotions that it brings, but I have become content with the gear. That may mean that I am not an audiophile, just a music enthusiast, but contentment is a choice.
John Dean