What do you think about Edge amps ?

I wonder whether any of you has experience with Edge power amps?
I listened to a pair of 1.1 signatures and thought they sounded great. Now I'm thinking about purchasing a set, but what about matching pre-amps, speakers?

Are they 'difficult partners'?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

I have the NL12 series and it is sweet with extremely
reslolute and natural bass. It benefits greatly (smoother highs, well integrated bass) from a good power cord (Shunyata Anaconda Alpha in my case). A nice feature
for me is that it runs just warm to the touch.
Aside from the fact they have to be some of the ugliest amps out there? Just have to love the wedding cake model! With looks like that who cares what they sound like!
plagued with the worst product name since the ford probe, they sound ok, but look a little too fancyschamcy...my wife loves the look, so i must take the opposite opinion.
I've got to agree with Pbb and Jaybo, one of the worst names and some of the ugliest amps out there, yet I'm interested. Though the gear does seem to differ quite a bit from model to model, they seem to garner many postive reviews and appear to be well designed and well built.