Have you thought about selling the 801's? Huge, near impossible to ship, but they should sell at some price. Also the drivers &/or crossovers tend to fail on M801's or M802's.....I sold my M802's a few years ago & bought Totem Mani 2's; never looked back.
I'd say: if you get a nice deal on Maggies, go for it. But you may have to replace your amps, etc. etc. OR: if you like tubes, & you've got nice tube amps, get Merlins, or some other tube-friendly speakers. I'd almost vote for the latter, keep the tube amps, & get Merlin VSM's (drastically different from either b&w's or maggies of course).....
I'd say: if you get a nice deal on Maggies, go for it. But you may have to replace your amps, etc. etc. OR: if you like tubes, & you've got nice tube amps, get Merlins, or some other tube-friendly speakers. I'd almost vote for the latter, keep the tube amps, & get Merlin VSM's (drastically different from either b&w's or maggies of course).....