This design gets the benefits of a spherical design, but also adds a tapered tube at the back to eliminate all internal resonances.
Shape VariationCube +-5.0 db
Rectangle +-3.0 db
Cylinder +-2.0 db
Beveled Cube +-1.5 db
Beveled Rectangle +-1.5 db
Sphere +-0.5 db
Interesting, for a complete speaker system, round. smooth, tapered interiors, are a way to reduce pocket resonance. It can also be used to incorporate a resonance into an enclosure also.. That was my point, the GAIN factor, for BASS is a real issue for distortion in the bass region 250hz<
You have to use it or lose it, but you can't keep it..
When speaking of spectral decay effects on enclosure vs mechanical distortion (GAIN based) there is no comparison in how much one increases over the other. (The 20% bass distortion crowd, and don't even know it)
Interiors that are rough inside, not smooth are a much quieter enclosure.. The SQ is always better..
Remove the Highlands Scottish wool from behind the mids, let that blister your ears a bit..
or Remove the VERY coarse fiberglass from the bass enclosure...
INSIDE, Smooth is bad.
OUTSIDE, Smooth is good, but just for the dust factor.
if it wasn't for that rough would be better.