What do you void listening?

Which songs or bands tell you to move to the next channel or change record or CD?
My alphabet starts from
Air Supply -- replace with something else IMMEDIATELY!
Sam Cooke believe it or not
Barry Manilow
Luis Armstrong
Neil Young
Bob Dylan
Rolling Stones
Most of Beatles.
Hip hop and rap are dying styles now. Not as many young black Americans nowdays listen to it as it used to be 5...6 years ago. Substantially less other young folks from other ethnic groups listen to that either. It's fading away in most of the US AMEN. I can see these statistics as I sell music. HipHop and rap records or CDs are dead investment and hardest to sell
Rock music is a dying style. Not as many young white Americans are listening to it now.Other color people are also not listening to as much rock. THANK GO it's finally going away. I know this because I work in a record store. Rock music CDs just sit on the rack collecting dust.
****Hip hop and rap are dying styles now. ****

****Rock music is a dying style.****

Hmmm.....perfect opportunity for a Disco comeback.
Bruce Springsteen. He seems to act like he is putting so much emotion into his singing, but to me he sounds like a phony and untalented.
Oh, yeah, I also cant stand Rap Music.
Ozzy, you might try some of Bruce's stuff where it's just him and an acoustic guitar. I find it to my liking whereas, like you, I've never liked his stuff with his band. Turns me off big time.