It’s interesting that lately we are seeing more "quora " type questions here, meaning short questions about general concepts rather than "is component X good?" Or pitting 2 components against another. Hopefully it means younger people coming to the hobby since Quora seems to aim at a younger demographic.
There are some great Garth Powell videos on youtube that describe exactly what his products do, and they are worth watching. explains that there is 10,000 times more noise on the AC lines now compared with the 1970’s and that low level ambient cues can be 50’or 60 DB down in non compressed recordings, and that the power line noise covers those low level signals up. After hearing the 7000 in my system I can attest that this phenomenon is easy to hear.
Garth had been designing power conditioners for Furhman for 18 years or so and developed some great concepts, and then was hired away by Audioquest to build a much higher level product than Furhman was interested in, since they cater to the pro Audio world.
His Niagara 7000 (which I became an audioquest dealer for to be able to sell) has the ability to provide 90 amps of current for peaks, (which has an amazing effect on amps) in that micro dynamics are enhanced even when the amps are not being pushed hard. It’s one of the few active conditioners that is good for amps.
It lowers the inductance on the line so it’s easier for electronics to draw current.
Previously I was using an Acoustic Revive passive unit which itself had sounded better than an active unit I had.
The 7000 has 3 galvanically isolated zones so (amps, analog, digital) each have their own section, and features patented ground noise dissipation.
The nice thing is dedicated lines are not needed since an entire system is run off 1 line, and power is cleaned and stored in reserve reservoir for use.
As Garth says this has the effect of moving your house next to the power companies substation and running an 80 amp line to your system.
I will do a review of the 7000 with some sonic observations but if anyone in the NYC area wants to hear it in action (and on BHK 300 amps and the new bhk preamp or Atmasphere gear) contact me at
www.triodepicturesound.comThere is also a much lower cost Niagara 1000 that has much of the bigger units tech without a transformer for amps.