So this also effectively doubles the power going to each speaker - how does it affect impedance and is it safer for the amp and speaker?Regarding safety, earlier I described a scenario involving failure of a small signal tube that could conceivably result in damage to an amp that has been monostrapped. (Thanks, Ralph, for citing that term). However that scenario obviously has a relatively low likelihood of occurring, and so IMO it would be reasonable to consider both approaches as being safe.
Regarding impedances and sonics, IMO it's probably one of those situations where you have to try it both ways to decide which is preferable. Since paralleling/monostrapping would in effect provide the amp with an output tap optimized for a 3 ohm load, as I had indicated, that would presumably result in the best match in parts of the bass region where both the impedance of the speaker and the content of a lot of music tend to be especially challenging. But it would result in a worse match at mid and high frequencies, compared to both stereo operation and vertical biamping.
-- Al