What does oppo stand for?

As these things infiltrate my life, my wife is taking notice.

How many oppos can one own before divorce happens? Or in general, how nice can your stereo be before the wife sends you packin?

Anybody else here obsessed with oppo? Since I bought my first one recently, a 103d, I’ve purchased used a 981 just to play cds on my Fisher 400, and an 83 for my Kenwood L09m system. The 103d is connected to my current reference system which includes my Dynaco Mark IIIs with a Pas2 preamp, all with NOS tubes and nicely refurbished, with the nice cloth xfmr leads etc. Oh, and Klipsch towers.

I’m looking to bring my newly purchased 95 down here in the basement and bring the 103d upstairs for our entertainment center. Bought the 95 here on Audiogon and awaiting its arrival.

The wife doesn’t know about the 83 nor the 95.

This is it though. I will purchase no more audio equipment after this. I’m done upgrading... forever. I’m not a true audiophile like y’all. I’ll never own 4500.00 speakers and such. I’ll never own anything McIntosh and such. My Fisher 400 treats me fine. I’ll throw rocks at overpriced McIntosh equip.

I kid, you know what I mean?

Are there many female audiophiles? Seriously, I’m new at this stuff.




  1. short for opposition research."they are doing extensive oppo, looking over her public financial records, getting copies of her divorce papers"

Our Production Permanently Offline

Guess they couldn't figure a profitable way forward as physical media and the hardware associated with it continues to decline.  The fact that no one made a viable offer to buy them would seem to confirm their decision just to close shop.  Impressive, but not surprising, that they'll continue to support their products.  Sad when good companies with good products and service go away.  Still have my DV-970HD that failed once but that the company fixed and got back to me from across the country in a few days at no cost.  Sigh. 
Ah, the 970 was mentioned in my absence.

I own two of them now, one having intermittent problems playing some cds but neither having any problems playing usb flash drives nor micro sd cards.

The 970 also uses HDMI if needed, plays dvds but not bluray obviously.

I think the 83 is the first to do that?
Yes thanks, that seemed to help, but still intermittent problems.  Maybe I could replace the laser?  Strangely intermittent problem.
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