What hapened to VAC Phi 2.0 preamp

I noticed that VAC was producing that preamp before and it supposed to be it's top of the line product. I found it mentioned on the forums and the comments were good, so I looked it up on their web site and found they only have the VAC Phi 300 amp and the Phi integrated amp. There is still the Renaissance Signature Mk II preamp. Is the Ren better then? Thanks for the replies.
I don't think there is very much this preamp won't fit well with, except maybe poor amplification for the load being driven. Paired with a VAC Phi 300, and the Amatis, for example, you would probably never want to leave your listening room! I was also looking at the Amatis, but decided to do some home improvements instead.
Thank you all for your info. Reading everything on the forums on the VAC preamp and amps, I think it will be my next system. I only need to start saving now.
I wish that I could save some money, but all my pants' pockets have holes in them.