What integrated can replace over -bright exposure 3010?

Just got an Exposure 3010S2.,paired with my Spendor A6s.Its supposed to be a great combo. Its a lovely amp , fast( really fast) dynamic, good resolution, provides insight into the performance, BUT it is very forward,  distinctly bright and can get hard when you raise the volume. As a result I can't relax in front of the music.
Any suggestions for a better amp  which offers much the same qualities without the brightness-under $3K new?

I feel your pain. I tweaked my way out of it to good result by following many of the suggestions above. But, If you really feel the Exposure is not gonna be what you'd hoped for maybe the dealer will take it back in and work out a deal on something else with you. Btw I settled on Supra ply 3.4s speaker cable, it was a giant step in the right direction for a leanness I experienced when I changed amps. It's reasonable but still 23' is a big one. 

Right now I have the same problem
exposure 3010s2d and spendor D7

way too bright. Can't relax.
by the end of the week I should get the chord 2qute DAC and then I'll deal with cables

so far everything is very accurate but not enjoyable. 
Let me know how your cables work out.What cables are you using now?
I was convinced that the DNM  cables were the problem but I  just borrowed a different integrated (Parasound) and the brightness vanished; so maybe its the amp after all and the cables are simply transparent to the amp used.
Unfortunately the Class A Parasound  lacks vitality and clarity  compared to the super clean/agile Exposure.
the Chord dac  would not be my first choice it is excellent but it is not warm sounding. You want warm and musical get an NAD M51 not as cool a feature set but much tonally richer or spring up to an Aqua Lavoice which is around $3k but is so musical the other dac would be a Metrum dac. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ