What is better, analog or digital?

I'm listening to the Best of Marley on the album, and I have to say it sounds better then digital.   More definition and more realism.  Of Course this is MHO  Using a Rega Planer 1 w a cheaper Project phono amp.  

 Let the debate begin, and what should i change out first for better sound
Love listening to all formats. 
I have a nice vinyl set up and nice digital set up.

like what you like and enjoy the music.

This debate is worn and old. 
   In a short reply speakermaster hit the nail on the head..."the recording quality". Digital can outclass vinyl if compared to a worn out record or a record not representative of the mastering of it at the time. So many selections of LP's out there and many sources to buy them. The process of pressing LP's whether original or replicated is a complex situation.
  Digital, however, is not prone to degradation by having a stylus rubbing over the surface multiple times or the collection of dirt/debris on it. It's relatively maintenance free from cleaning and care as compared to vinyl.
   So..the original question....which is better? Equipment is paramount for either medium. And, it all depends on what the listener expects to hear as the best sound. In a perfect world where the best equipment and best recordings were to compare the two the analog would probably win out (IMO).
   But music tastes widely vary depending on the listener. Both digital and analog can be enhanced by electronics to suit personal preferences. Good question.

If you have to ask the question, maybe you’re trying to justify digital?  Or maybe it is an age thing — like how I find women from the 70s and 80s to be way mire appealing to my eyes.