What is it about the Cary SLI-80?

I've been wondering for some time now why I see so many Cary SLI-80 int. amps for sale on Audiogon? I've considered getting one for myself because of all the positive things I've read about them, but am I missing something? Naturally, a seller isn't going to register disappointment with the amp. Am I just imagining things or is there something about this amp that leads owners to get rid of them more frequently than average? Or do I just notice them more when they are for sale, since I've been interested in them? I haven't ruled them out for me, yet. Just suspicious that they might not live up to the hype. Help me out. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to harm anyone's reputation, just after some experienced feedback. I owned Cary monoblocks once and loved their sound. Thanks.
I agree that there often seems to be SLI-80's available, but possibly because lots of new ones are sold. I can tell you I'm on my second one! I had the stock SLI-80 5 years ago; decided to get away from tube pwr and went with some really fine solid state amps. As of last fall, I'm happily back in the tube camp with a full triode F1 SLI-80 and loving every minute of it!!

There are lots of great amps out there, both tubed and ss, and IMHO its all about system synergy and personal preferences. I'm sure the SLI-80 isn't the best tubed integrated available, but it is really versatile, provides many options for tuberolling/sound shaping and is solid performer for my taste.
I've been back and forth with and without tubes. I think the hastle of owning tube amps is the reason for the frequent sales. As much as I love the sound, I'm ready to let my tube amp go again. This time in favor of a multichannel music and movie SS system. This may be the reasons, at least it is for me.
I just sold my $16K Krell Evo 402 amp to downsize to a Cary SLI-80 F1. I thought it was going to be a major let down but to my surprise the Cary sounds so good. I am using a pair of JM Lab Electra speakers. I had the regular SLI-80 before, but absolutely love and highly recommend the F1 version.
I think you see lots of them for sale for Cary do sell more tube amps than other smaller companies. People might sell them to upgrade to seperates is another factor. I dont think it's the amp itselft. Just buy a used F1 and see for yourself. You can get most of your money back if you dont like it.